Saturday, 20 September 2014

The 'YOU' In You

In my previous article I dealt with self discovery part 1'.
Today in lieu to my recent teachings I'm gonna be sharing another article that I have after many research come up with. It explains the reason for the under performance of many. It points out my "YOU" method of tackling such problems.

The YOU' in you. Nobody is born incapable of success nor with a mark of underachievement nor with boundaries of limitations. but one thing is for sure 'Nobody is born devoid nor of replete knowledge, but of untapped Potentials." They say talent is endowed but perfection is worked for. "The difference between two individuals is the amount of knowledge and responsibility they shoulder." That is why it seems like some people have more of all it takes than others, that's why some people seem more successful and others categorized as spectators.
My perspective of the world has been enlightened after having almost gorge knowledge of how the 'bio' system operates. this i have recapitulated in three letters, " The Genexcel's 'YOU' of achieving".

Y- Yearn for Knowledge :"He who knows not and knows he knows not and does not want to know is? you know what. Buts he afters the knowledge of his "Not knowing" yearns to know to such is accorded wisdom. like i stated earlier 'Nobody is borne with an ample knowledge of 'all'. It is either you know it or you don't. You must yearn to know to the point of wanting to know even when it is apparent that you have known

Appostle Paul in the Bible made a statement that keeps me awed. He said after all the miracles and wonders he had wrought with the omnipotent and omniscient knowledge of Christ. "That I may know you" the question you will begin to ask yourself is "what else is there to know?". but I tell you there is no such thing as full knowledge. when you think you've got it all friend, please watch your steps because the phobia of heights 'Pride' has stepped in. by the way what do you think you've known? if people like the Wright brothers, Millikan, Babbage, Bill Gates, Ford. and the rest had stopped at the junction of "I've Known It All" You think the world would have been where it is today? There is always a vacuum in everybody's life that yearns to be filled. there is always an urge to go beyond, don't shut it up.
This takes us to the next step.

U - Outstretch Your Mind to accommodate Changes. The mind is the CPU' of the body's activities. Failure and Success starts from the mind. "The State of the Mind Determines the State and Performance of the Body. The Big question is what has your mind been outstretched to accommodate, failure or success, good or bad, sickness or health, greatness or underachievement? that is a question for you to answer.
Most people are underachievers today just because they pity the mind. why should you? Do you know how much the mind can house? Do you know how much potentials you possess? Do you actually know what you carry?.
"There is more on the inside than it appears on the outside" that you were born naked does not mean you were born empty. Stretch that mind, think far beyond your age in the positive line. think motivational, big, dream big dreams. Impossible is nothing if only you can Hurd past the IM's, the I, me and myself. people who want to do the impossible are selfless, they think beyond themselves. It is only when you hurdle past the 'IM' that you get to Possibility. Don't you think below think Big.

I hope you've been enjoying your reading. If you've gotten to this point you are wise and I know you can make it. by reading this alone you have passed the "Y" Test in the "YOU" in you. now the rest I'm sure you will. Just persevere a little longer you will get there, Life's battle is not for those with a vegetable heart or with a losers mentality. Don't withdraw your hands from the plough, You too Can.
Now this takes us to the last but not the least in my discussion today.

U - Uncover Purpose : This is for me the less difficult stage. I call it the 'Rest Stage' because in this stage you live your dreams. you are living with the knowledge you garner. Your life here is more like a programmed database. You are not living an ambitious but purposeful life. Lines fall unto you in pleasant places when you Uncover and walk in purpose, It is like walking an already treaded path. you know what you want and where you are going to. Even though life may at some points seem to waver but the storm will not carry you off course. Life may not turn out to be all so rosy but I guarantee you a glorious end only if you stay focused and on purpose because that is all that matters.
Hold on, don't you let go. Ambitions are self given but Purpose is divine. Ambitions can destroy, it can fade. ambitious people are never remembered. but Purpose is inspired, it can Not be taken from you. there is always a way where there is purpose. Purposeful People leave their footprints in the sands of time. I know you can, Believe in yourself. See that which others do no see. Uncover Purpose. "Life Is A Choice".

Have you got questions and problems that needs answers and solutions please feel free to talk to me. Via, Twitter@Izyexcel

Thank You For Reading!!!

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